

Start a Podcast From Your Home or Business

Click here to set up a complimentary consultation

Two Plans to Choose From

Get Us Started

  • One fully produced episode with industry-standard equipment and software
  • Professional editing and productions with music, bumpers and special effects
  • One-on-one consultation including best practices and broadcasting tricks of the trade
  • Specialized coaching on marketing and monetization
  • Create your host account to broadcast across major podcast platforms like Itunes, Spotify and Google



  • All Benefits that are included in the “Get Us Started” list
  • 3 additional, fully produced episodes for the month (total of 4)
  • Members who join on at the broadcaster level will pay the initial $450 plus $125 each for each of the 3 episodes for the month
  • After the first month, the fee per episode (which will still include all services offered in the “get us going” program) will be $175 per week

Sign Up For A Course

Quis m iucunda exaudire si claram angeum dis netus nec hac scomata si usus optio liber contumeliam nibh enim.​

Endorsed by some of the world’s leading music companies!